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Come to get the Impact of Computer Knowledge...
Mac Computer Education


Sanjeev Sir (Mac Computer Education) Associated with IIT Computers Linked List Basic Operations - Creation - Display - Insertion ( at First, in Mid, at Last) - Deletion - Searching - Counting #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<alloc.h> struct node{         int data;         struct node *next; } *head; void create() {         char ch;         do         {                 struct...


[DTP] Ques 2009 : (a) What do you mean by templates in Corel Draw? How it is created, edited and saved?
(b) How does the undo setting and access drawing information customized? Also describe fountain fills, pattern fills, mesh fills and texture fills.

(a) Ans: Templates in CorelDRAW: Templates are specialized files that may be saved based on existing settings and/or document contents.Templates can be used as starting points to avoid repetitive page setup, document defaults, and other document-specific properties. we can recognize template files by their unique .cdt file extension. Opening Templates: To open an existing...

[DTP] Ques 2009 : (a) Define master pages in Page Maker. Describe the steps to create master page.
(b) What are the different types of non-printing guides available in Page Maker? Discuss them. Also state how you will lock and unlock it.

(a) Define master pages in Page Maker. Describe the steps to create master page. (b) What are the different types of non-printing guides available in Page Maker? Discuss them. Also state how you will lock and unlock it. Use of guides in PageMaker:Guides are used to help visualize non-printing areas, align text, and align images and other graphic elements on the...

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