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[DTP] Ques 2009 : (a) What do you mean by templates in Corel Draw? How it is created, edited and saved?
(b) How does the undo setting and access drawing information customized? Also describe fountain fills, pattern fills, mesh fills and texture fills.

(a) Ans: Templates in CorelDRAW:
Templates are specialized files that may be saved based on existing settings and/or document contents.Templates can be used as starting points to avoid repetitive page setup, document defaults, and other document-specific properties. we can recognize template files by their unique .cdt file extension.

Opening Templates:
To open an existing template file with the aim of creating a new document based on the template, choose file-> New From Template to open the New From Template dialog, as shown in figure:

Here we can choose from a half-dozen categories organized into tabbed areas based on document type.
Clicking each tabbed area reveals lists of template files. While a template is selected , the preview window displays a thumbnail of the first page of the template. To include the template's content and its setup and formatting, when opening a document based on a template, click the Include Graphics option (Selected by default) or deselect the option to open a blank shell,
Click OK or double-click the file to open a new unsaved document using the template's properties and /or content.

Creating/Saving Template:
We can open any template file for editing and change its actual template format and / or it's content. Use the File-> Open Command and choose CorelDRAW Template (CDT) as the file type.

Before the file opens, a dialog will ask whether we want to open the template as a new document or for editing. If our aim is to open a new document based on the template content and structure, leave New From Template option in combination with the With Contents option. If we want to edit the template file our self, choose Open For Editing.
When saving an edited template file, performing a Save command automatically saves the file as template without opening any dialog -- and without the need to re-specify the file as a CDT template file in the Save dialog box.

(b) Ans:  
The undo setting: 

When it happens to backing out of a multistep operations or accomplishing a task by trial and error, there's nothing better than the Undo Command. This option provides all kinds of ways for us to reverse our last action.
   It is possible using the Basic Undo Commands:
Choose Edit-> Undo or use the standard Ctrl+Z shortcut. To reverse an Undo command, choose Edit->Redo or use the Ctrl+Shift+Z shortcut.
CorelDRAW 12 provides both of these commands Undo and Redo as buttons in the Standard Toolbar, which may be used either to Undo or Redo Single or multiple commands. These Standard toolbar Undo/Redo buttons have the new popout menus, in which clicking the button applies to the most recent actions, and clicking the popout reveals a brief listing of recent commands.
Undo and Redo popouts show our most recent actions at the top of the listing.
We can customize the number of Undo levels in CorelDraw. Default settings are set to record our 20 most recent actions, but this value may be set as high as 99,999 actions. To access Undo options, open the Options dialog (Ctrl + J) , and click General.
Using the Undo Docker
Coreldraw provides Undo Docker, for more control over our most recent actions. We can open Undo Docker by choosing Tools-> Undo Docker. It enables us to view our drawing as it appeared prior to certain recent actions and/or save our recent actions as a Visual Basic for Applcations (VBA) macro.
The Undo Docker displays our most recent actions in reverse of the Undo and Redo popout menus, with recent actions placed at the bottom of the docker list.

Drawing information customized

For a quick summary of our document's contents, use the Document Information dialog. We choose File->Document Info to open the dialog and use the available options to list specific information. Categories consist of File, Document, Graphic Objects, Text Statistics, Bitmaps, Styles, Effects, Fills, and Outlines.

Rest answer is coming soon...

[DTP] Ques 2009 : (a) Define master pages in Page Maker. Describe the steps to create master page.
(b) What are the different types of non-printing guides available in Page Maker? Discuss them. Also state how you will lock and unlock it.

(a) Define master pages in Page Maker. Describe the steps to create master page.

(b) What are the different types of non-printing guides available in Page Maker? Discuss them. Also state how you will lock and unlock it.

Use of guides in PageMaker:
Guides are used to help visualize non-printing areas, align text, and align images and other graphic elements on the page and to each other.

how guides work in Adobe PageMaker.
Ø  To select an object and not the guide that overlaps it hold down Command (Mac) or Ctrl (Windows) while selecting the object.
Ø  To avoid grabbing the guides instead of other objects on the page go to View > Send Guides to Back. Do this without a publication open and all new publications will have this Option already set.
Ø  If you accidentally drag a guide out of position:
o   Immediately after moving a page or column guide, choose Edit > Undo or press Command+Z (Mac) or Ctrl+Z (Windows)
o   If page and column guides are based on a master page, choose Layout > Copy Master Guides to remove local guides and replace them with the master guides.
Ø  To precisely position objects on the page, choose View > Snap to Guides then drag guides into the desired position. Objects will then snap to the nearest margin, column, and ruler guides.
Ø  Adjust the Snap to Zone - that area around the edge of the page and guides within which objects are considered aligned - in File > Preferences > Layout Adjustment > Snap to Zone.
Ø  Use Utilities > Plug-ins > Grid Manager for greater control of guides and to save an arrangement of column and ruler guides for use as a layout grid in other publications.
PageMaker uses three types of guides:
1.    margin guides,
2.     ruler guides, and
3.    column guides.

A publication can have up to 120 ruler guides including guides on master pages and publication pages.
There are multiple ways to create and modify margin, column, and ruler guides in Adobe PageMaker. Try all these mouse, menu, and keyboard methods.
·         Set margin guides in the Document Setup dialog box. Specify top, bottom, left, and right margins.
·         To create ruler guides, position the pointer in the horizontal or vertical ruler. Click, hold, and drag down or drag right to position the ruler guide on the page. The pointer changes to a two-way arrow until the mouse button is released.
·         To help precisely align ruler guides with ticks on the horizontal and vertical rulers, choose View > Snap to Rulers. As guides are dragged on to the page, they will snap to the nearest tick on the ruler when the mouse button is released.
·         To keep from accidently repositioning guides after you have them where you want them, choose View > Lock Guides.
·         Choose Layout > Column Guides to specify uniform columns with gutters.
·         To create different column setups for the top and bottom of a page, follow this procedure:
1.    Choose Layout > Column Guides and enter the Number Of Columns for the top of the page.
2.    Pull down a horizontal ruler guide to the point where you want the top column setup to end.
3.    Place your text in the columns of the top of the page, using the horizontal guide as the bottom of the columns.
4.    In Column Guides dialog box enter the Number Of Columns for the bottom of the page. Make sure the Adjust Layout check box is not selected.
5.    Pull down another horizontal ruler guide that represents the top position of the bottom column setup.
6.    Place new text or continue the text from the top column setup into the column setup at the bottom of the page.

There are multiple ways to make margin, column, and ruler guides visible and invisible as well as remove them completely in PageMaker. Try all these methods.
·         Choose View > Show/Hide Guides to make column, ruler, and margin guides visible or invisible.
·         To remove a ruler guide, select the guide and drag it off the page.
·         To remove all ruler guides at one time, choose View > Clear Ruler Guides (Lock Guides must be off).
Rulers and guides are crucial desktop publishing tools for document layout. The horizontal and vertical rulers are designed to help you position the different elements on your page. They need to be visible if you want to use the ruler guides.
·         To display the rulers, click on the View menu and then select Show Rulers.
·         To hide the rulers, select Hide Rulers in the View menu.
·         To toggle between displaying and hiding the rulers use the short cut: [Ctrl + R]
How to Change the Ruler Unit of Measurements
You can specify and change the system of measurement to use for your rulers. In the Windows version of PageMaker, you can even choose a different measurement unit for each ruler. Here's how to change ruler unit of measurements:
·         Click on the File menu, and then select Preferences.
·         Click on General… to open the Preferences dialog box. (Short Cut: Ctrl+K).

Click on the Measurements in drop-down list, and choose a measurement system for your horizontal ruler.
·         Click on the Vertical ruler drop-down list, and choose a measurement system for your vertical ruler.
·         Click on OK.

Ruler Guides
The PageMaker ruler guides are non-printing lines that help you position text and images on the pages of your document precisely. You can display,

 hide lock, move and remove the ruler guides as your needs change.
You need to display the ruler guides in order to use them to position elements in the document, but you can also hide them if you want to view just the elements that will print.
·         To display the ruler guides, click on the View menu and then select Show Guides.
·         To hide the ruler guides when they are activated, select Hide Guides under in the View menu.
·         To toggle between showing and hiding the ruler guides, use the short cut: [Ctrl + ;]
You can lock the Ruler Guides in place to avoid moving them unintentionally.
·         To lock the ruler guides, click on the View menu and then select Lock Guides.
·         To unlock the Ruler Guides, deselect Lock Guides under in the View menu.
·         To toggle between locking and unlocking the Guides use the shortcut: [Alt+Ctrl+ ]
You can position new ruler guides as needed so as to align elements in your document. You can create as many ruler guides as you need.
·         Display the horizontal or vertical ruler from which you want to position the guide [View >> Show Rulers]
·         Click on the Pointer tool and then position it anywhere in the ruler area. Now click and hold.
·         Drag and drop the guide to the position you desire on your document. The new guide will appear as a colored line.
·         You can reposition a ruler guide at any time with a similar drag and drop method. If the guide is locked, you need to unlock it [View >> Lock Guides] before you can move it.
You can remove your ruler guides individually or all at one time.
·         To remove an individual guide, select the pointer tool, then click and hold your guide. Drag it back into the ruler area, and then release.
·         To remove the ruler guides all at one time, click on the View menu and then select Clear Ruler Guides. This will remove all the ruler guides you placed in the document, leaving the column and margin guides behind.
·         NOTE: If the guide is locked, you need to unlock it [View >> Lock Guides] before you can remove it.

Using 'Snap-To'
You can position elements in your document by forcing alignment. This is a quick way to position multiple elements consistently. You can do this by making the element or elements align with (snap to) your ruler increments or to ruler guides.
·         To snap to rulers, click on the View menu and then select Snap to Rulers. This snaps the object to the nearest ruler increment.
·         To snap to a guide, click on the View menu and then select Snap to Guides. This snaps the object to a ruler guide if it is moved within 3 pixels of the guide.
·         To deactivate the Snap to feature, click the View menu and deselect the option.


[Tally] Ques 2011 : Write Notes on any two of the following:
1. Accounting Software Tool
2. Features of Tally
3. Bank Reconciliation Statement
4. Outstanding Report

1) Accounting Software Tool:

Years ago, most small business owners handled their accounting the old-fashioned way: manually. They would use intricate, homegrown spreadsheets to keep track of everything from accounts receivables, invoices and even payroll. Accounting software simply wasn't available. Fortunately, those days are long gone and business owners can enjoy the convenience of using financial accounting software. If you've never used an accounting system for your business, this article will be a good introduction to finance software. Here are 6 core components of every small business accounting solution.

Tool  #1 - accounts receivable
Chances are, some of your customers don't pay for your goods or services immediately. Instead, you might have an arrangement whereby they send payment 30 days later (commonly called "net 30"). If you're not using an accounting bookkeeping program to track your accounts receivable, you can easily lose track of who owes you how much and when the payments are due.
Tool  #2 - accounts payable
Your business likely buys materials and services from other vendors. Plus, there are bills that need to be paid each month. Most accounting programs include an accounts payable component which helps you track and plan upcoming payments.
Tool  #3 - invoicing
If you don't get paid, your business fails. Most of your customers probably wait to receive an invoice before sending payment to you. While it's possible to create these manually, doing so can quickly become a tracking nightmare. Finance software usually includes this component, making it easy to create, review and track your invoicing process.
Tool  #4 - inventory management
There's nothing worse than having to tell a customer that you don't currently have the product they want to buy in stock. Aside from an unanticipated wave of sales wiping out your inventory, the problem is usually related to poor inventory management. Most basic accounting software (for example, the well-regarded Peachtree accounting package) allows you to easily track the items you carry and the quantities that you currently have in stock.
Tool  #5 - purchase orders
When it's necessary to replenish your company's inventory, you'll typically need to create and print a purchase order. This details the product you want to buy, the quantity and the the price at which you'll buy them. Your financial software should be able to produce purchase orders easily. What's more, this component should integrated automatically with your accounts payable, making tracking seamless.
Tool  #6 - general ledger
This is where all of the other components in your accounting system converge. It considers your accounts receivable and payable, outstanding invoices and inventory to keep track of your company's assets and liabilities (as well as other information). Handling the general ledger alone is a full-time job for some companies. Accounting software can automate the task.
planning for the future
There's little reason to handle your company's accounting without the help of financial software. Most programs are relatively inexpensive and can save you countless hours and frustration. Even less robust solutions (for example, Microsoft accounting software) can automate the most important tasks, leaving you free to run your business. When you're ready to invest in a program, use the list above to ensure it has the components that your business needs.
 2) Features of Tally:

3. Bank Reconciliation Statement

4. Outstanding Report
Outstanding Report in Tally9

[Tally] Ques 2011 : What do you mean by Voucher? Show the use of all the Voucher Types available with Tally.

[Tally] Ques 2011 : What is Tally Audit? Write down the steps involved in Data Backup and Restore Data Backup in Tally.

Tally Audit provides the capability to the administrator/auditor to track changes in the accounts following his previous review. In Tally, changes of two areas are very important changes in Transactions/Vouchers and changes in Ledger Masters.

The changes that affect the integrity of a transaction are only considered. for e.g. a changes in the narration does not affect the integrity of a transaction and will not be considered as a change.

if name of ledger account is changed that is affecting the voucher, so this change would be tracked.  

Tally Audit feature can be activated when we create Company and creating Security Levels also. Only a User designated as an auditor or the administrator can view the audit list and act upon it. 

Tally tracks all changes made to vouchers that are more than 30 days old. It means,  the changes to vouchers that are less than 30 days old are not reported. This time may be dedicated to correct mistakes. A changes includes insertion of new transactions or accounts.

Steps to Create Data Backup
In any business, record data or transactions are most important. Data on a computer is at risk and it occurs different types of difficulties. it is important, to take regular backing-up of data regularly, regardless of the stability of the database.

There is one technique, to overcome from this, by maintaining a Backup Directory in the Local Hard Disk or the Server (external storage media such as the floppy disk, zip diskette can also be used).
We can have sub-directories for every day of the week under the main backup directory and regularly take data backup in the following manner depending on the day of the week.

Monday -  C:\TallyBackup\Monday
Tuesday - C:\TallyBackup\Tuesday and so on till Sunday.

Tally has a flexible backup mechanism where we can take a backup of the data from any storage medium into any other medium.
The more commonly used media are floppy drive, hard disk drive, zip drive, tape drive, etc - installed either locally or on a network.

In Backup Screen, the Source of the Backup and Destination of where it has to be stored have to be given and Tally will do as required.


  • In the Gateway of Tally, Click on F3:Cmp Info button and select Backup Option.
  • The Backup Companies on Disk Screen is displayed.
  • To change the Source or the Destination paths, use the [Backspace] key and change the path as we need. <br> The process of backing up data begins when at least one company is selected for the same from the list of companies. <br> To stop selecting companies, select the option End of List, which appears at the top of the selection list.
  • The Backup File is stored as TBK900.001. If the backup is taken in a medium likely to extend more than one -- for example, Floppy, then the extension digits (10001, 10002 and so on ) will be stored accordingly.
  • If TallyVault password is enabled for a company, Tally will allow us to select only one company at a time from the list for a backup.
Steps to Create Data Backup
Tally allows restoring of data from any medium into any other storage medium. The Restore Companies on Disk Screen is displayed as below:
  • In the Gateway of Tally, Select F3:Cmp Info button and click Restore Option.
  • The Restore Companies on Disk screen appears.
  • The Source and Destination paths displayed in the screen are those that were used last.
  • The Source field has to have the appropriate path. It is the path from which we intend to bring back the previous data. <br> Accepting the path will read the contents of the particular file and will then display the list of companies available.
  • Select as required and restore the data accordingly.

Thank You....
Sanjeev Sir
Mac Computer Education

